Howdy hot bitches!
It's been a while since I posted here because I've been HARD AT WORK SLAYING NIGHT AND DAY and I can finally say I've broken 100 seconds of animation for the new project (atm 110; nearly halfway now). I've managed a really nice sakuga style sequence lately which is by far the best animation work I've done and I feel back in practice after 10+ years off, so that's ///bitchin///.
I have a pretty decent methodology going now which amounts to:
- Divide into 20-30 second segments
- storyboard the next part sequentially (to prevent accidentally deleting frames and ruining later sequences which usually happens when I animate parts in non-linear order)
- select ONE section from the current sequence to be the KEY focus animation and dedicate 10x more energy and time into that than the other 8-9 parts of the sequence.
- Animate the rest of the sequence as quickly as possible and don't get obsessed with perfectionism.
- Finish the key focus segment of the sequence.
- Bank it in a folder and lock the folder so it doesn't get fucked up.
So far I've done eight of these sections and it seems a nice compromise between languishing in perfectionist hell and making something that sucks. Like I'm consistently moving forward but I'm also not unhappy with the quality of things for the most part. I've also found it helps to label different draft projects like they're github releases, breaking down each individual save like Build-9.28 with 9 representing the current sequence and 2 representing how many of the subsequences are complete out of ten, and 8 representing roughly how close the next subsequence is to completion. If you're an animator, how do you do it? I'm really curious what other people's pipelines are in the production phase because it's something I'm always trying to improve on.
I've also hacked my Nintendo Wii and found a code that swaps out RE4's A button-to-shoot nonsense with the trigger button so it's finally playable with the guncon peripheral WHICH IS THE TITS (only now it glitches when I have to move furniture in front of windows so I'm stuck at that part where they come in waves at the house). Hit me up with some recs for the system, I've been playing the FUCK out of Red Steel 2 and Klanoa (which goes even harder than the Switch remaster) but I'm always looking for more hidden gems.
I'm real dead atm working on my thesis for university which is a hybrid classical and computational analysis of Kazuo Ishiguro's novels (e.g. using coding and old timey humanities theories to demonstrate how he explores subjectivity and memory), basically just because I want to learn to write like him because he's one of the best living novelists in my hot babe opinion. Yes, I am the only Lit student who decided to do something this stupid hard, and yes, I am useless at programming so I'm getting help wherever I can find it. But I named the fork of Stanford NLP's Stanza I made KLARA (Kazuo Language Analysis Research Applet) after the android protagonist of Klara and the Sun, which I swear is extremely funny if you are also a huge nerd.
Got another essay due on Nausicaa which is good because I just happened to finish the manga and it's honestly one of the best pieces of fiction I've ever had the joy of experiencing. Yum yum yum, delicious fiction.
I'd go over all the hot boy shit I've been watching while animating but the list is huge so I'm going to compile it all when the cartoon is finally ready to release.
Anyway, how have you dudes been? Fucking around? Finding out? As usual please recommend me some good shit to read/watch/play/etc so I can keep those demons at bay. MMM WATCHA SAYYYYYYYY
xoxo gossip girl