Rise and slay besties!!!
Hope life as a weekend warrior is keeping you well, remember to look pretty and do as little as possible on your day job to conserve energy for the legacy of the wizard (making dumb goofy shit on the internet to impress your friends). Remember: it isn't weaponised incompetence if you convince your colleagues to ALSO skive off and play Half Life on the staff PCs with PSX2 and rebind for mouse controls. It is, in fact, praxis. Our union elders fought and died for us to be able to screw around on shift for min-wage in between helping out members of the public and shit talking upper-management.
- Prepping for vocal pickups with Malmi on Sunday with Rockstar Wives Letters. Also finishing up a rewrite of a song in A phygrian that's kinda Fugazi coded and half-demoed. I fucked up the stems and now I gotta unfuck it but most of my mixing takes place on my lunch hour at work which is where I'm writing this blog right now :):)))))
- Setting up distro for the latest record on my solo project, Screed. The album is called New Essays In Criticism and Research, and it's mostly old songs from 2019-2022 including a couple of way harder tracks that I'm real excited to share.
- Art practice so I can draw real good for this graphic novel pitch I'm working on that's a kind of coming of age dramedy / parallel worlds English folklore adventure story. Think Labyrinth meets Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell by way of Giant Days. This definitely won't be done until I've finished my thesis on Kazuo Ishiguro next year but it's shaping up cool and I visited Wales this month to research castles for it. Hopefully eventually I'll get funding for it!
- Spotty work here and there on a middle grade illustrated book called ONE THOUSAND AND ONE CAT SANDWICH!!, which hopefully I can get done before academia consumes my life once more.
- Not getting fired for being a constant liability and reading manga at the desk.
- Fixing my Nintendo Switch which I bricked tryna get it to remote stream Baulder's Gate 3 from my brother's PC to the work wi-fi.
- Sending a really overdue email to an artist friend I really respect for advice on how to get your shit together and deal with art career stuff professionally.
- Everyday UwUwizard art, plus finishing off some comics that have been in the shop too long.
- Finishing a long overdue 5 year anniversary peice for me and husbundo that I'm 2/5 of the way there on.
- Destroying emo gatekeepers.
In other news, I keep projectile vomiting for some reason and had a manic episode at 6AM yesterday and impulse bought a hardmodded PS1 on eBay for more money than librarians should sensibly be able to spend uwu uwu.
Someone pls recommend me some games with impeccable vibes?
god i feel so sick WHY did i come in today I'm literally gonna throw up on someone who asks me for help on the public PCs